Will Fastiggi

Will Fastiggi

Originally from England, Will is an Upper Primary Coordinator now living in Brazil. He is passionate about making the most of technology to enrich the education of students.

The Makerspace at Casa Thomas Jefferson, Brasília

Casa Thomas Jefferson

Following an invitation from the Google trainer and former Coordinator of the Innovation & Technologies Department at CTJ, Carla Arena, I recently had the opportunity and privilege to visit the Casa Thomas Jefferson (CTJ) Makerspace in Brasília.  Casa Thomas Jefferson…

TinkerCAD Lesson activities

Tinkercad is a free and easy-to-use app that allows students to design in 3D, which can then be printed using a 3D printer.  These Tinkercad sessions below can be particularly useful for helping to familiarise students with this application.  …

Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy to the Classroom

Bloom's taxonomy

As a framework to support teaching and learning, Bloom’s taxonomy is the most widely used and enduring tool through which to think about students’ learning.  Originally created by the American educational psychologist, Benjamin Bloom in 1956, Bloom’s taxonomy provides a…

Teaching Boys in the 21st Century

The teaching of boys  and young men deserves special consideration; for at least the last two decades, there has been increasing concern that boys are falling behind in formal education.  Instinctive differences between boys and girls are well documented in…

Fostering human connection and mindfulness


Throughout history, human beings have inherently been social animals.  Our social and emotional well-being are naturally nurtured through making and maintaining human connections.  Unsurprisingly therefore, students’ learning automatically benefits when they feel a human connection with the key people around…

The Three Pillars of Successful Behaviour Management

One of the most impactful teaching strategies identified by John Hattie is teachers forging strong relationships with their students.  This is because good teacher-student relationships are the fundamental basis for successful behaviour management.  In fact, anything you can do to build a good teacher-student…

Genius Hour Guidelines

Genius Hour is an enquiry-based learning process.  As a student-directed learning model, it is intended to give students the opportunity to explore their own interests while developing their knowledge, skills and understanding.  The idea for Genius Hour was originally started by…

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