Will Fastiggi

Will Fastiggi

Fostering human connection and mindfulness


Throughout history, human beings have inherently been social animals.  Our social and emotional well-being are naturally nurtured through making and maintaining human connections.  Unsurprisingly therefore, students’ learning automatically benefits when they feel a human connection with the key people around…

The Three Pillars of Successful Behaviour Management

One of the most impactful teaching strategies identified by John Hattie is teachers forging strong relationships with their students.  This is because good teacher-student relationships are the fundamental basis for successful behaviour management.  In fact, anything you can do to build a good teacher-student…

Genius Hour Guidelines

Genius Hour is an enquiry-based learning process.  As a student-directed learning model, it is intended to give students the opportunity to explore their own interests while developing their knowledge, skills and understanding.  The idea for Genius Hour was originally started by…

Summary of John Hattie’s Research

John Hattie is a Professor of Education from New Zealand and a key proponent of evidence-based teaching.  Evidence-based teaching is to teach using only those methods, which have been verified from evidence to be effective.  Such evidence is based on…

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