Will Fastiggi

Will Fastiggi

Originally from England, Will is an Upper Primary Coordinator now living in Brazil. He is passionate about making the most of technology to enrich the education of students.

Sparking Children’s Excitement of Science

Our first full IPC units this term, in Class 3 (Year 5) and Class 4 (Year 6), ‘Making New Materials’ and ‘Existing, Endangered, Extinct’, respectively, both have a science focus.   In Milepost 3 (Upper Key Stage 2), teachers work hard…

Tips for More Secure Learning Online

Online education has come a long way. In the past, everything was in PDF form and you’d have to print these materials.  These days, online education is a lot more advanced with entire platforms and applications dedicated to teachers and…

Blogs for students

3D class 3D Blog

In an effort to encourage writing and teach digital citizenship, we have recently set up blogs for students in our Milepost 3 section (9 to 11 years). Blogs evolved from online diaries in the mid-1990s and are now commonplace all…

Promising Tips To Excel Through Online Education

    The pandemic has got the whole world actively engaged in online learning to one degree or another.   Online learning can be challenging for both learners and educators alike, as it demands more attention and self-discipline on the part of the learner than…

Teaching English During Lockdown


Following the National Curriculum in England, our English programme of study has four key elements: Writing Reading Spoken language Spelling, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation (SPaG) When we transitioned over to e-learning, during lockdown, we wanted to make sure to provide…

7 Jobs That Won’t be Automated

For those who have taken a look into Industry 4.0 you’ll have noticed that there are a lot of big changes coming with regards to employment. As global businesses look to increase profitability and efficiency, a vast majority of the…

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