Will Fastiggi

Will Fastiggi

Makerspace – Part 1 (Planning)

3D image of office table & chair

Over the last several weeks, our digital leaders and I have been working together to plan for and create a makerspace in school.  We have already selected a room that will be the makerspace – the current Reading Room.  …

Leading & Innovation

Much of the content on this blog, Technology for Learners, is about innovation.  I see ever more clearly that leadership and innovation go hand in hand.  After all, it is not possible to implement any meaningful innovation without leadership. I…

Teaching STEAM

STEAM is both an acronym and an educational approach.  As an acronym, STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths.  As an educational approach, STEAM is about facilitating learning experiences across these five subject areas, which promote collaboration, enquiry-based learning…

The IPC and its Accreditation Process

Following my recent completion of the IPC course, Bottom Line Nine, I’ve typed up these notes below.  Having spent the last six years working for International Primary Curriculum (IPC) schools, this course has helped me reflect on and consolidate my own…

MinecraftEdu Lesson Examples

Minecraft is what is known as a ‘sandbox’ or ‘open world’ video game in which players roam and create within a virtual world.  Players walk around, jump, dig and punch things with their hand as they build, mine or farm…

Technology Exhibitions for Teachers

School began for teachers with two days of technology exhibitions.  Delivered by teachers for teachers, this event was an exciting professional development opportunity for our staff.  State of the art digital technologies were laid out across eight “stations”, enabling staff…

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