The IPC Brainwave Unit Planning & QR Codes

The Brainwave unit is a great way to start the academic year, helping children to understand more about how they learn and what things they can do to improve their learning.  I have been putting together these lesson plans and resources (in this Google Drive Folder) for the IPC Brainwave unit, to use with our Milepost 3 students (9 to 11 years old):

As our school prepares for IPC accreditation, this has also given me the opportunity to make sure that all the plans, activities and resources are in line with the IPC’s core standards.  The slides for example (shown above), can be used as a template for future IPC units, by providing prompts (e.g. “Explaining the Theme”, “The Big Idea”, “Our Focus Country”, etc.), helping to guide teachers through the IPC learning process.

IPC Exercise Book Exemplar

In order to help visualise how an IPC exercise book should look, you can find below images of the first several pages of an exemplar IPC exercise book:

QR Code
On the first inside page of our IPC exercise book we have very clear student work presentation guidelines. This includes space for QR code, which links to the student’s digital work on the Google Drive. For more information about QR codes and how they can be used to link to students’ digital video, take a look a look at the tutorial video below.

This video looks at how to use folders and subfolders within the Google Drive, so that students can upload their work, e.g. docs, photos and videos, into a digital student portfolio folder. The video then explains how such folders can be organised, shared with and made easily accessible for teachers.

Page 1: At the beginning of each new IPC unit, we have a ‘front cover’ IPC page, which gives an overview of what the IPC unit is about. It also gives details about our focus (or ‘host’ country), the personal learning goals being covered during the unit and a snapshot of the IPC learning journey.
Page 2 & 3: For each IPC unit, we include a world map template (for students to annotate with relevant facts for the current unit) and a KWL (for the knowledge harvest).
Page 4 onwards: notice that each key lesson has a ‘learning headline slip’, which details the key success criteria and includes a column for student self-assessment as well as teacher assessment.


Tweet cards
Tweet cards give the student an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of the unit by answering a particular knowledge-based question posed by the teacher.

IPC exercise book

Will Fastiggi
Will Fastiggi

Originally from England, Will is an Upper Primary Coordinator now living in Brazil. He is passionate about making the most of technology to enrich the education of students.

Articles: 880

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