Common Mistakes People Make When Creating Educational Videos


Educational videos are among the most common types of videos available online.  As they enhance learning opportunities, educational videos have long been used as a valuable tool to explore a wide range of subjects. It is worth noting that they can help learners to maintain and analyse data more effectively. The use of online video content in educational contexts has helped to break down the geographical barriers between the speaker and the recipient; something that people used to struggle with before the invention of digital video sharing sites.

For various reasons, individuals, virtual schools, and organisations produce instructional videos for online curricula, presentations, short lectures, marketing campaigns, reports, to name a few. But it takes more than just communicating ideas in a digital video-based format to create effective content, which helps facilitate learning.

Educational Videos

Here we will discuss a few mistakes that you can avoid when making video-based learning material:

  • Your instructional videos are bland and uninteresting.

In reality, if you are trying to maximise user engagement, one of your primary objectives must be to make the videos as compelling as possible. Use attention-grabbing pictures, a clear voice and include interesting facts and examples.

  • It’s too theoretical.

It is more difficult to analyse an abstract notion than to explain an example that we can be related to our daily lives. When complexity gives rise to longer explanations, students can quickly get lost.

Covering unnecessary information in-depth is simply dull. Say only what needs to be said to ensure student learning, and make sure this is communicated clearly and concisely.

  • Your course is too lengthy.

When you build the content of your course, try to split it into parts (that are no longer than 20-minutes long). You can include short breaks between sections, helping students to feel refreshed before each new topic.

Make sure as well, to plan your video carefully such that it does not become unnecessarily long.

  • The course material is not designed to be mobile-friendly.

People sometimes forget that mobiles are now the primary tool for content search and consumption. Why wouldn’t that be the same for our online courses as well? The learners want the material to be accessible from anywhere at any moment, to be easy to search for when they need it. Put simply, users should not have to rely on a desktop to view the content.

  • Not providing references or related facts.

Our mind is an extraordinary tool that can remember and refine extraordinary facts. In our daily lives though, we are confronted with many distractions, which can often hamper our capacity to assimilate new learning.

We should therefore ensure that the information delivered through the medium of video, is memorable. Ensure that you draw on past references and repeat the most relevant facts.

  • Your curriculum is not sufficiently engaging.

Interactivity facilitates learning.  It allows the proactive involvement of the learners, turning them into active learning participants instead of passive receivers. If a course is not sufficiently engaging then it means it is not well designed. The best online programmes incorporate interactive elements.

  • Using poor audio or video quality.

Audio and video quality are essential elements, as they provide audiences with the first impression for the quality of the content being covered. If the video is distorted, blurry or difficult to focus on – or the sound quality if awry, for example, viewers may not be able to understand anything at all.

Final Words:

By designing videos and eLearning courses with these points in mind, you will likely be much more successful at producing valuable content, which facilities effective learning experiences.


This was a guest post by Jamie Roy


Will Fastiggi
Will Fastiggi
Articles: 885

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