7 Jobs That Won’t be Automated

For those who have taken a look into Industry 4.0 you’ll have noticed that there are a lot of big changes coming with regards to employment.

As global businesses look to increase profitability and efficiency, a vast majority of the workforce is looking to be replaced by automated solutions in the years to come, which may see upwards of 30 per cent of a country’s workforce laid off

Although this is rather daunting, with the right outlook and a focus on changing skills you will be able to navigate and transfer from career path to career path without too much of an issue. 

However, there are seven fields that aren’t looking to be automated at all, which are looking to provide secure, long-term employment for those in these fields. Without a need to routinely be on the lookout for risks of automation, you’re going to be able to climb the career ladder with more ease and less stress here. 

That said, let’s take a look at the seven jobs that won’t be automated. 

robotic hand

1. Teachers and Educators 

The first job or career path landing on our list is teaching and educating. 

As you would already expect, teaching is a uniquely ‘human’ activity in that our students need someone to interact and engage with, whilst also rely on to answer rather nuanced questions. 

On top of this, assignment grading and marking is going to be something that automation cannot yet do, nor will it be able to do in the near future without a profound change in how machine learning operates. 

To add to this, as we’ve seen in the 2020s, online learning has become commonplace and yet we still require educators now more than ever. There are the automated language learning solutions, for example, though educators and teachers are still required to sift through and mark outcomes from learning activities. 


2. Programmers and Systems Analysts 

As you would expect, automation cannot typically automate its own creation and improvements, and so programmers or systems analysts are some of the safest employees on our list. 

For example the role of an SEO specialist cannot be replaced by automation because in order to deliver a reliable SEO service it requires critical thinking and problem solving skills to improve the SEO performance of a business’ website.

With a solid degree from providers like Upskilled and subsequent skill-building degrees under your belt, you’ll be able to work for automation companies and develop software and updates for existing systems — without the risk of being automated. 

To add, employment statistics have shown us that as we begin to rely more and more on automation, there is predicted to be a 9 per cent jump in programming and system analysts roles between now and 2028. 

That noted, these fields are looking to grow, rather than shrink due to automation.  

3. Healthcare Workers and Carers

In a similar vein to teaching, healthcare workers are less prone to automation given that there is a need for nurses and doctors to interact and actively help with their clients and patients. 

Even though automation could theoretically do this, there are some requirements here that these solutions cannot offer, such as an innate understanding of what people mean when they ask for help or have a query. 

That in mind, both doctors and nurses aren’t likely to become automated, though receptionists and other nonessential staff members do have a higher chance of being replaced by artificially intelligent staffing solutions. 

In all, doctors and nurses are in the all-clear when it comes to automation and the replacing of workers in the near future. 


4. Social Workers 

A third career or job that is not at a high risk of automation are the social workers.

Again, for human to human interaction requirements, you’re less likely to see these types of roles being automated by a device, machine or piece of software that can provide the assistance and the aid that a social worker can. 

Though these tools or digital solutions may be used to help social workers, the total automation and replacement of these workflows is unlikely given that social workers and therapists or counsellors need to have direct contact and interaction with their patients. 


5. Lawyers 

Due to the exceedingly in-depth and analytical nature of lawyers, there is unlikely to be any sort of automation or all-digital replacement on the horizon. 

As our legal teams need to have an in-depth understanding of case law as well as their client’s own unique circumstances there is a reduced likelihood of these employees being replaced by an automated solution. 

It is also good to note that the deep analysis and examination of case law, or law in a general sense, cannot yet be understood by automated solutions, and with that said, there isn’t a high chance of any sort of legal representation automation expected in the years ahead. 

Again, like social workers, automation or intelligent software may be able to assist these types of roles, though a total replacement is not looking too likely, at least in the near future. 


6. Project Managers 

Imagining an automated system dictating an entire human workforce seems rather outlandish and draconian to say the least, and with that in mind, this is another role that isn’t going to be automated any time soon. 

As you’ll agree, there is an adeptness required when it comes to understanding human productivity, emotion and an ability to complete tasks, and project managers and supervisory team members are well-versed in this skill. 

Although automated systems may be able to assist with the logistical processes involved with project management, they are unlikely to replace the supervisors or project managers we see keeping control of our workplaces. 


7. Designers and Artists 

To end our list, the final job or career that isn’t likely to be damaged or replaced by automation are the designer and art fields. 

Whether it be architecture, art or any other creative based field, automation is not likely to become a threat here. With such a wide range of requirements of designers and architects, and an understanding of uniquely human requirements, these roles are looking to be safe for a very long time to come. 

In fact, universities have now begun working to implement automated and machine learning tools for designers and artists in that these tools assist in better productivity — though cannot undertake the design tasks and the understanding of requirements on their own. 


Concluding thoughts…

With all of the above jobs out of the way, it is clear that although a myriad of jobs are looking to be replaced in the coming years, there are some that are predicted to be safe indefinitely. 

Typically, all of the roles that remain safeguarded from automation are either creative or very hands-on jobs that a robot or an automated solution simply cannot undertake without some form of human intervention. 

That in mind, you’re able to use this knowledge to your advantage when it comes to selecting a career path. If a job or career requires a hands-on and uniquely human understanding of the task at hand — you’re in the all-clear. 

To end, as automation and artificial intelligence become increasingly more effective at undertaking human roles, there are a few tasks that simply need a human or personal touch that a robot or piece of software won’t typically be able to offer up in the near or far future, and so looking for safeguarded employment isn’t predicted to be too much of a struggle if you know where to look. 

This was a guest post by Lucy Mitchell

Will Fastiggi
Will Fastiggi
Articles: 885

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