Promising Tips To Excel Through Online Education


Online learning


The pandemic has got the whole world actively engaged in online learning to one degree or another.  

Online learning can be challenging for both learners and educators alike, as it demands more attention and self-discipline on the part of the learner than traditional in-person classes.  That being said, the ability to work remotely does provide greater flexibility for learners and educators.

Here are some excellent tips to excel in your academics through an online learning system:  

1. Put an end to distraction 

During online learning, every learner must pay full attention to the teacher. Due to social media and household chores, people may feel less able to concentrate and more inclined to get themselves distracted. This distraction must be confronted directly, which requires active communication with parents and students, to ensure students are working in a quiet environment free from as many distractions as possible. 

2. Effective online communication

Given that in-person interaction is minimal, there should be an established relationship between students and teachers. Communication is a two-way street though, so both parties should work to develop their social presence. Communicating with instructors leads to effective learning, as it provides an opportunity to ask for help and engage with the content of the course.  It is particularly important to give thought to how much of the online communication should be asynchronous versus how much should be synchronous.  For more information on this topic, take a look at this post in which I discuss The Best Combination of Asynchronous & Synchronous Communication

3. Actively participate in class 

More opportunities for active participation and discussion leads to greater levels of student satisfaction and better learning outcomes. Students will experience deeper learning and feel more satisfied by their learning experience.  

When the teacher asks a question or fellow students share content, for example, it can help to have a discussion board where students can post questions and engage with their classmates after the lesson.  This discussion board can be found on the assignment window or stream of Google Classroom or a dedicated space on Padlet could be created, for example.  The idea is simply to get students posting their questions about the assignments they are working on.  Evidence-based learning shows that a peer-to-peer learning environment leads to more profound and memorable learning experiences. 

4. Goal Setting & Schedules 

It is imperative that students have a clear schedule for their studies. This can be simply be a spreadsheet timetable with hyperlinks to all the students’ Zoom lessons, for example.  This helps students to manage their study time to remain more focused. 

5. Avoid tiredness and fatigue

Attending continuous classes via Zoom screen can make anyone feel tired. It is important that both teachers and students take regular breaks away from their screens to avoid “Zoom fatigue”!   Rest and physical exercise form a crucial part of the learning process. 

6. Stay Motivated

The world has changed significantly over the the past year and a half.  Self-isolation, social distancing and mask-wearing has naturally left many people feeling down.  Students can need help to keep themselves motivated, so rewards and praise for excellent progress or for completing assignments can go a long way. 

This was a guest post by Abroo Murtaza.

Abroo recommends See TEFL for online courses to teach English as a foreign language.


guest post



Will Fastiggi
Will Fastiggi

Originally from England, Will is an Upper Primary Coordinator now living in Brazil. He is passionate about making the most of technology to enrich the education of students.

Articles: 881

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