Will Fastiggi

Will Fastiggi

Originally from England, Will is an Upper Primary Coordinator now living in Brazil. He is passionate about making the most of technology to enrich the education of students.

David Goodnight Austin Businessman Explores How Technology is Unlocking New Energy Efficiency Solutions

energy efficiency

As our planet is grappling with the effects of climate change, the need to reduce carbon emissions has become a top priority for many individuals and corporations alike. Several solutions have been proposed to curb this pressing issue, from renewable…

How Technology is Impacting the Automotive Industry


Technology is everywhere and the automotive industry is no exception. Aside from the rapid development of electric and hybrid vehicles, here are just some of the many other ways that the car industry is adapting to the development of new…

Risk Assessment in Construction 

risk assessment

Risk management is a vital step in any construction project. Every project will have hazards and dangers, so it is important to identify these so that positive action can be taken to carry out the work safely. As a contractor,…

The Top 5 Sectors that Benefit the Most from Outsourcing


Once seen as a mere cost-saving strategy, outsourcing has rapidly evolved into a strategic business tool utilized by myriad industries. The primary concept involves delegating specific tasks to third-party organizations, alleviating some of business operations’ burdens. With this arrangement, companies…

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