Advice for Parents: How to Make Online Learning More Effective for Children

The coronavirus outbreak in 2019 has led to the closure of schools globally and this practice has now become persistent over a year and a half. Since the opening of schools is nowhere to be seen in the near future, overseas education is becoming the next big thing for both adults and children. Be it a regular school course or English tuition only, online learning programs are setting a new trend for this world. Online learning from home can present all sorts of new challenges.




Here are some helpful tips for you to make this learning method work well for your children:

Reducing Distractions:

Having a proper learning environment and quiet place is very important, particularly at home. Your child cannot concentrate on studying if they do not have a proper space. Allocating a place your child associates with study will help them to concentrate more. Make sure that your child’s studying place is separate from their bed or a sofa, for example, and not so cosy as to make them fall asleep. A desk and chair will work perfectly for dedicated studying space.

Make a Study Timetable:

Attending online classes is one thing only. Your child cannot grasp all the concepts in an hour or two only. You must make a feasible timetable for your child, which will help them to complete their assignments, find extra resources to fully understand their lessons and whatever is required as per their course requirements.

Pay Attention to their Learning Gadget:

One of the most common mistakes that we all make when it comes to online learning is to think that smartphones are suitable for this purpose. The truth is your child should have a separate gadget for studying and it has to be dedicated solely for this purpose. It can be a tablet, laptop, or desktop, however, please ensure that there aren’t any games or fun apps installed in it, and if there are any, put a lock on them so your child won’t get distracted.

If you cannot manage to get them a separate gadget, turn off all the notifications by using ‘focus mode’ or ‘screen time’. Moreover, make sure that there isn’t any Internet or connectivity issue during their study times. Children can get easily distracted if consistency isn’t there in the learning process.

Pay Attention While They are Studying:

The physical absence of a teacher makes it a bit difficult for some children to remain on track. You need to pay attention to them and should supervise them as much as possible. If you cannot sit with them for hours while they are attending class, you should at least check on them from time to time. They must know that they will be accountable for these online classes.

Keep Them Motivated:

The pandemic has had us all feeling ‘down’. Losing focus and feeling demotivated is very common among children since they are missing out on all the fun they used to have with their friends at school. Keeping them motivated in such a situation should be your priority. This can be done by rewarding them for their good progress and active participation in the online classes. Give them a day off for rest and relaxing, this will prepare them for the coming week and will be refreshing for your children.


To put it simply, there are many drawbacks of a virtual learning system for the children but since it is the only possible solution to cope up with the education amid the pandemic, using these tips will surely help in making this process more effective. Your consistency, motivation, and constant monitoring can go a long way, to helping your child stay on track with their learning.



Jamie Roy
Jamie Roy
Articles: 58

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