News on Atlas is an ongoing project that I started back in July, 2013. Since August, 2013, I have been working with the web developer, Daniel Rivas, who has been responsible for all the backend coding for this web application. My rationale for designing News on Atlas has been to provide a low cost resource that can improve and facilitate the news literacy of users. News literacy online is a particular type of digital literacy, which enables readers to develop a more intellectually rigorous relationship with the news media.
For more information about News on Atlas, I have written several blog posts, which discuss the theory behind the application and its usefulness for education in the digital age:
[item title=”News on Atlas in Theory & Practice – Relevant Blog Posts”]
Digital Literacy, Global News & International Mindedness
Why Global News Literacy Should Be Taught
Filter Bubbles as Barriers to Digital Literacy
Barriers to Digital Literacy & the Importance of Overcoming Them
Case-studies of News Literacy in the Classroom
Barriers to the Inclusion of News Literacy in School Curricula
I also provide here three videos about News on Atlas – (1) what the features are (with premium membership), (2) why the application should be used and (3) how to use it.
1. News on Atlas Features
2. Why News on Atlas Should be Used
3. News on Atlas Tutorial