Will Fastiggi

Will Fastiggi

What does outstanding Computing look like in schools?

Outstanding Computing

[accordion] [item title=”David Brown’s Presentation – An Outstanding Computing Curriculum”] [embeddoc url=”https://technologyforlearners.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Barefoot-conference-computing-and-e-safety-in-schools-Jul-11-14.pdf”] [/item] [/accordion] As a computing coordinator, I am always looking for useful ideas to enhance the computing curriculum.  One of the best online resources I refer to is…

Using the Phantom 2 drone at school

Phantom 2, drone, school

  Drones are simply flying cameras, which can provide fantastic aerial photos and video footage. I recently tested out the Phantom 2, one of the most popular drones currently available to consumers. I was keen to better understand its educational…

21st Century Boys

21st Century Boys

A few of years ago I attended a teacher training session in London called ‘21st Century Boys’.  The training was delivered by Sue Palmer and based on insights gleaned from her book, 21st Century Boys: How modern life is driving…

Filter Bubbles as Barriers to Digital Literacy

Filter bubble

In his book, The Filter Bubble, Pariser (2011) describes a digital situation we all now face in which website algorithms selectively present information to users based on location, click behaviour, search history, etc., and, as a result, distance users from…

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