6 Signs it’s Time to Update Your Website 

A website is one of the crucial tools that businesses should invest in. It serves as the face of your brand while also being the main source of information wherein potential clients can learn what your brand is all about.  

Make it a priority to keep your website up to date as the primary source of information about your brand’s products or services. Consider it an important measure to continue growing your client base and the like.   

As website development continues to evolve over the years, you should be familiar with the current updates. Staying current with trends will keep your brand’s website from falling behind the competition. If you haven’t updated your website for some time now, it’s time to look closely to check if changes are necessary. Here are several tell-tale signs that you need to update your website: 

  1. Slow Loading Website   

A large percentage of website visitors are likely to bounce off or leave your site for the competition if it takes a long time to load. Generally, it only takes seconds for a visitor to decide that your site takes too long to load.  

In simple terms, slow loading means you’re outdated, and you need to do something as soon as possible. If you’re facing this predicament, it’s time to think of ways to update the loading speed of your website. 

One technique is compressing all the media elements on your site to help hasten the loading speed. An efficient approach is working with a web designer to get the task done. Often, there might be other contributing factors to the slow loading speed that a professional can pinpoint and fix.  

  1. Out-of-Date Website Structure   

Over the years, the trends in website design have evolved and if your website is starting to appear out of date, your visitors might consider it unreliable. With this in mind, you need to know the current trends so your website can maintain a competitive edge.   

Some of the elements that can attribute to an out-of-date website design are listed below:  

  • A cluttered appearance can be caused by a large number of graphics, ads, and other elements that make it difficult for visitors to find what they’re looking for on your site. The presence of multiple widgets or sidebars can also be distracting. 
  • Poor quality stock images can give your site an old look. Switch to higher quality or original graphics to exude an enticing vibe.  
  • Having several colors or fonts can be distracting while also giving your site an out-of-date look. Generally, it’s best to work with only two or three fonts throughout your site.  

An update is necessary so that your website stays modernised with the current design trends. As the face of your brand online, your website should look at its best at all times so it can effectively engage your target visitors while reaching out to new audiences.   

  1. Non-Mobile-Friendly Web Design 

As more people prefer to use mobile gadgets to surf online, your website must be mobile-friendly. It’s an important consideration, especially if you want your brand to have a wider reach. Overlooking this aspect will cause your business to miss out on the large audience base.   

Due to this, it’s a necessity to ensure your website is readily accessible via mobile devices. The transition to a responsive design allows visitors to view all the pages and content conveniently. In most cases, many nowadays prioritise the user experience when checking out a website. Generally, mobile users give importance to easy navigation and rapid loading pages.  

  1. Inadequate Website Security  

As cybersecurity attacks continue to rise, your online page must have the best security. Nowadays, security should be one of the top priorities for businesses. Once your website ends up hacked, resulting in a data breach, it can negatively affect your brand’s reputation with your target audience no longer fully trusting your brand. With this in mind, taking the necessary measures to level up your website’s security is crucial.  

Seek help. A cybersecurity professional will thoroughly assess your site’s framework and the platform on which it was built to ensure robust protection against cybersecurity threats. 

  1. Out-Of-Date and Poor-Quality Content   

Your brand’s website will serve as a source of information about your products or services. If you want to give value to your visitors, keeping the site updated with superior quality content is important.   

Consider an update if your website still has out-of-date information. Providing visitors with relevant and current information is one way to establish trust while allowing them to know everything your brand offers. Additionally, updating your website with fresh content will help drive in more traffic while keeping visitors coming back for more.   

  1. Poor Ranking In The Search Engines 

When your website hasn’t been updated for some time, expect your ranking in the search engine results pages (SERPs) to be low. If you want to boost your website this time, consider updating your website with search engine optimisation (SEO) in mind with the help of an SEO expert.   

An update is the best way to boost your rankings significantly in the major search engines. Make it a priority to include the relevant keywords and phrases while making the necessary adjustments to organise your page’s content and structure.  

Final Thoughts   

Proper brand website management is crucial to maintaining a competitive edge in a highly saturated industry. As the face of your brand, make it a priority to keep your website design up to date with the current trends. If any of the indications mentioned above are observed after scrutinising your website, consider deploying a site revamp soon. Ideally, working with a professional to ensure the necessary updates are carried out will ensure the best outcome for your brand’s website in no time.   

Will Fastiggi
Will Fastiggi

Originally from England, Will is an Upper Primary Coordinator now living in Brazil. He is passionate about making the most of technology to enrich the education of students.

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