4 Common Tech Problems

In this article, we look at some of the more common tech problems which you have no doubt faced at some point in your daily life – and their solutions so you don’t end up wasting valuable time:  

  1. “Slow Internet”

Probably the biggest tech headache that people can face, slow Internet can be caused by several factors such as issues with your router, the device you are using, your location, the presence of spyware and viruses, etc. Router, modem or cable issues are best fixed by running straightforward troubleshooting checks, which we will look at here. First though, see what the actual speed of your Internet connection is by using a site such as speedtest.net.  You will need at least 10 megabits per second (Mbps) to browse the Internet comfortably and more if you are using Zoom, multiplayer gaming or downloading heavy files.

Check if the slowness just happens on one device or all of your devices. If it’s just one device, you know the solution is the device you are using. Try rebooting your computer, and if the problem persists, perform a malware scan with an antivirus software.

If the slowness is evident on multiple devices – then the problem is likely your network, and you will have to go to your router.   The next step is to simply reboot your router – unplugging it for about a minute or so.

Alternatively, your Internet might be fine and it’s actually a problem with your Wi-Fi signal that connects you to the Internet.  Try moving your device closer to your router to see if this improves the speed.

It might also be that the airwaves, for example, are experiencing a lot of traffic with too many devices nearby, especially if you’re using 2.4 GHz and not 5 GHz. This is a particularly common problem if you live in an apartment block, for example, with neighbours who have their wireless routers and multiple devices nearby.

Last but by no means least, if you have followed all these steps, there’s a good chance you need your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to solve the problem.  For example, there might be a problem with the cable line or equipment they use. In this case, you should report the problem.  Ultimately, as you are paying the Internet service provider, it’s their job to fix any problems on their end.

  1. Can’t log in

Have you ever experienced login issues? If you have, you are definitely not alone. Login issues can be quite frustrating, especially when it involves one of our favourite platforms or websites. Imagine trying to log in to your favourite social media platform and getting the “incorrect username and password” memo, even when you are sure that the login details provided are correct.

Login issues are caused by a variety of factors. Of course, one of the obvious causes is wrong login/ password. Others are disabled cookies, network failure, internet traffic, viruses, server issues, etc.

To fix login issues, enable cookies for the website, clear history for the site, clear all cookies and the cache, check add-ons, remove corrupt cookies files, etc.

Say you experienced login issues with your Facebook account, and these tricks don’t work; the chances are that your account may have been hacked. If that is the case, you may want to hire a hacker for Facebook to help fix the issue and grant you access to your Facebook account. Remember to always guard your details judiciously to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.


  1. Pop-up ads

Many of us know what pop-up ads are, especially those who surf the internet a lot. Pop-up ads are one of the many ways through which web developers and companies make money. And yes, they can be very annoying sometimes. Aside from that, they can be used by hackers to steal personal information.

That aside, what are the causes of pop-up ads, and how can you fix them? Pop-up ads are caused by several factors, including adware, tech support scams, ransomware, and of course, they are used for genuine advertisements. Here are a few ways to fix pop-up ads issue:

  • Don’t do the default installation
  • Activate pop-up ad blocker on your device
  • Install good anti-virus
  • Uninstall odd software


  1. Slow download on mobile devices

Many of us wish to speed up the downloading process. While the introduction of the 5G network has increased download speeds for those with access to this upgraded network, many of us still experience slow downloads due to one reason or the other. If you fall in this group of individuals, don’t fret, the issue can be fixed.

Try restarting your device, upgrading your mobile Internet package, disable other devices connected to your network or simply tech problemsdownload one file at a time to fix the issue.








Will Fastiggi
Will Fastiggi
Articles: 885

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