The most powerful tools for distance learning

Let’s explore the variety of powerful and useful software you need to have to make online learning successful for you. Amazing tools and apps for effective learning online are explored in this article.

Today online learning is everywhere. Humanity now has resources that give us the opportunity to distribute knowledge far beyond our imagination.

As students, we can’t be happier participating in this process since online education and blended learning create options for people who can’t join in the traditional education process.

But just like with traditional learning, you need to have proper tools to get to the stars in distance education. Let us introduce you to the ten best tools that can make virtual learning more effective and fun.

Star Dash Studios

Let’s start with an app that can make math cool for you!

This excellent tool can be downloaded on your phone through Google Play or AppStore, and you can train your math skills in a fun and interactive way with this app. Math often seems to be very boring for most of us, but we are absolutely sure that with this app, you will absolutely fall in love with numbers and will not be able to leave them just like that.

Google Classroom

Modern technologies help to achieve just flawless communication between students and teachers. And we are absolutely sure that there’s no better way to organize a learning process and make you, a student, feel that you are a part of the learning process and, what’s most important, the vital participant of it than with Google Classroom.

In this app, you get full access to all the aspects of your education can communicate with other students and classes through this system which has never been easier. The best thing is that you can connect to Google Classroom from everywhere and anywhere. You just need any gadget and the internet.


We love MasterClass because this online learning platform offers just an unlimited source of different classes on a variety of topics, from the evolution of seeds to the laws of mechanics.

What’s really cool for you as a student on MasterClass is that you can both learn what you need and explore new interesting hobbies in your free time there. MasterClass services are not that cheap and will cost $15 a month, but believe us: this money will be invested very well since you will get access to a huge library with educational videos created for you by the greatest minds of this time.


Do you really need this screen capturer or any other online video recorder in your arsenal of learning tools? In our opinion, absolutely yes. Screen capturers are crucial for online or blended learning because the classes you take online can be legally recorded and reused for rewatching and a better understanding of the material.

We should warn you that even though you can legally record your own webinars and classes, you need to warn all the other parties of your classes that you plan to record a particular online session. You need to get the informed consent of all the parties to avoid any problems from occurring in the future.


This is another game-based learning app that makes education fun and interactive! This online learning platform was created for teachers and allows them to create game trivia in Kahoot.

As a student, you can play with your fellow students or friends in Kahoot: create quizzes, prepare for exams, or just in a fun and interactive form to deepen your knowledge in different subjects.


Who can afford to ignore the most influential video hub in the world nowadays? It is an absolutely crucial platform for anyone who wants to learn anything online, and we think that YouTube was the reason people started noticing the benefits of online learning.

Of course, the best thing about it is that YouTube is free, and thousands of people share their knowledge just for the sake of sharing. You can’t become a rocket scientist through YouTube videos, but you can start learning about rockets through the clips!


Knoword is an amazing platform for polishing your academic skills in all kinds of subjects! You can find here trivia about social studies, geography, science, art, language, etc.

All you need to do in Knoword is to click on the subject you are interested in, open any given unit and start answering different interesting questions. We love using Kahoot as a fun way to learn new things, and you can even play with your friends there. It is not just a learning platform, it is a fun quiz-based tool that helps people to stay interested in studying.

Microsoft Powerpoint

Distance learning has many tech benefits, and some types of regular homework here also can be replaced with digital alternatives. As for presentations, the classic for offline education, we, of course, have excellent ways of creating presentations with Microsoft PowerPoint.

PowerPoint has been popular for years and is very intuitive and easy to use.


This one is excellent if you have problems with productivity. Plans and try-not-to-forget things can create absolute chaos in your head. That’s why you need useful programs like Evernote to help you to stay in touch with your day-to-day tasks.

In Evernote, you can create text, audio, and video notes, so you can be sure that you will not forget about your next class or exam with this little helper.

So there it is! The list of our favorite apps and tools that can make online education a wonderful experience.



Will Fastiggi
Will Fastiggi
Articles: 885

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