Sleep Apps and the Benefits They Bring to Your Life

If you’re looking for a way to improve your sleep, a sleep app may be worth considering. They can help you track your sleep patterns, teach you about relaxation techniques, and offer coaching and reminders.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska,

Some apps also offer relaxing audio programs, such as calming music or white noise. These can be particularly helpful if you’re struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night.

Why sleep apps? Statistics show that 50 to 70 million Americans have some type of sleep disorder, 30% to 40% of adults in the US complain of insomnia symptoms, and most of them – 60%, don’t seek help for their sleep problems. For many of them, sleep apps might be worth a shot. 

Benefits of Using Sleep Apps

The CDC recommends getting at least seven hours of sleep per night, and the benefits of a good night’s rest can have a huge impact on your health. That’s why many people turn to apps that help them track their sleep habits and learn more about sleep-related issues like insomnia and sleep apnea.

Some sleep-tracking apps use your phone’s built-in sensors to monitor how long it takes you to fall asleep, how deep you sleep, and how much you move around during sleep. They also detect whether or not you snore, which can indicate obstructive sleep apnea.

However, while these apps may provide useful information about your sleep, they can’t be considered a substitute for polysomnography, the gold standard for diagnosing sleep disorders. A sleep study, or polysomnogram, measures heart rhythm, breathing, brain waves, and muscle tone during an overnight sleep session in a lab.

Despite their best efforts, sleep apps aren’t as accurate as a polysomnogram. They might overestimate or underestimate your sleep pattern, and they might miss the onset of stages of sleep that a polysomnogram would document.

Some sleep apps collect sensitive data that can be misused by third parties to develop targeted advertisements. While this is already a common practice with mobile health apps, it could be even more problematic for sleep apps.

Types of Sleep Apps

Sleep apps come in many shapes and sizes, from tracking your sleep to helping you relax before bedtime. They can help you improve your sleep quality and reduce your risk of health issues like chronic illness, obesity, and mental health problems.

Most sleep apps fall into three main categories: sleep tracking and monitoring, sleep health and education, and relaxing activities. Some also include a range of other features, such as meditation and white noise.

Tracking and monitoring apps use sensors to detect your sleep patterns. These can include an accelerometer, which tracks your movements during sleep, and a heart rate monitor, which determines when you are in light sleep, deep sleep, or REM sleep.

Similarly, apps that encourage relaxation before sleep are more common than ever. These typically feature guided imagery or hypnosis, with soothing voices describing peaceful scenes. Some apps even incorporate music to lull you into a deep slumber.

However, while sleep apps seem to be an increasingly common way of managing your sleep, there are some important considerations. For one, they can be less accurate than a true sleep study, which measures several key sleep indicators.

Tips for Selecting the Right Sleep App

There are many apps available to help you get better sleep. But it is important to choose the right one. The best apps can help you achieve a more restful night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

You may want to choose an app that offers a range of features and is easy to use. It may also be helpful to select an app that is free to download and does not require a subscription.

Another important thing to consider when choosing an app is whether it will offer a variety of sounds to promote relaxation. Some sleep apps offer a variety of nature sounds, city sounds, instruments, and white noise to help you drift off to sleep.

These sound effects can help you relax and fall asleep faster, according to Healthline. Some apps also have a fadeout timer so ambient sounds become softer and stop playing once you’ve fallen asleep.

Some apps also contain audio meditations and stories that can help you fall asleep. These audio meditations are designed to promote a sense of calm and can be beneficial for people with insomnia or other sleep disorders.

Another way to improve your sleep is to track it using an app that measures and analyzes your sleep cycles and patterns. The best sleep apps can be useful for helping you figure out what is contributing to your lack of sleep and what you can do about it.

Potential Drawbacks to Using Sleep Apps

There is a wide array of apps available to help you sleep. Some have the ability to monitor your heart rate or your sleep stages, while others allow you to listen to relaxing music and bedtime stories. Some even track your sleeping patterns so that you can improve your sleep habits and routines.

However, there are some potential drawbacks to using these sleep apps. For one, the technology behind them is not well-understood and may provide inaccurate data. Another concern is that the data shared by these apps can be accessed by hackers.

The accuracy of a sleep app depends on the sensors it uses to track your movements, such as an accelerometer and a heart rate monitor. These sensors help the app identify periods of light and deep sleep and REM sleep.

Some of these apps are also able to detect certain conditions that can affect your sleep, such as anxiety and stress. This information can then be used to help you sleep better and more comfortably.

Other apps are designed to promote healthy sleep by teaching you how to relax before bedtime and guiding you through relaxation techniques. These can include yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation.

Many of these apps share de-anonymized user data with third parties. This can compromise privacy and lead to data breaches. It’s important to read the terms and conditions of any app before purchasing it.

How to Maximize the Benefits of a Sleep App

Before you decide to download an app, be sure to read user reviews and check the app’s capabilities. Some apps have subscriptions that require monthly or yearly payments, so it’s important to choose the best fit for you and your budget.

There are many different types of sleep apps available, and the best one for you depends on your preferences. Some focus on a variety of sleep cycles, while others offer relaxing sounds or guided meditation sessions.

Other apps use technology to track your heart rate and sleep stages to help you get a better night’s rest. Some also link with professionals, such as psychologists and sleep coaches, to create a realistic plan for improving your sleep patterns.

Using a sleep app can be an effective way to promote restful slumber, but it’s important to note that no sleep tracker is 100% accurate. That’s why it’s a good idea to speak with a sleep specialist if you’re experiencing difficulty falling or staying asleep.

The right sleep app will have plenty of useful features, including tools for tracking your sleep data, a library of relaxation and sleep-promoting audio and tutorials on pre-bedtime activities. It’s also a good idea to look for an app that’s free or low-cost, and avoid paying extra for advanced features or a subscription.

Alternatives to Using a Sleep App

There are a variety of ways to get good sleep without relying on an app. 

  • Establish a healthy bedtime routine that helps you wind down and unwind before turning off the lights and heading to sleep. You may also want to consider using a white noise or nature sound app to help you relax and fall asleep.
  • Take a short nap during the day. Naps can be a powerful way to recharge your body, give you a burst of energy, and improve your mental health. You can use a sleep app to set an alarm for your nap so you’ll be ready to wake up at the right time.

A sleep tracking app can also be useful if you’re struggling with sleep issues, such as snoring or restless sleep. Pillow, for example, can monitor your sleep patterns and provide you with daily reports on the duration and quality of your sleep.

While these apps can be helpful, it’s important to remember that they are not a replacement for regular, effective sleep therapy and should only be used in conjunction with a doctor. If you’re suffering from severe insomnia, using an app can actually make your situation worse.

Calm, for example, has a range of dreamy features that include celeb stories, music, and ASMR audio. It also has over a hundred sleep stories for kids, plus meditations and hypnosis tracks. While the app is free, it offers many more features for a subscription fee.

Concluding thoughts…

Sleep apps can be a great tool for people of all ages to use in order to get the restful sleep they need. With their help, users can track their sleeping habits and make adjustments as needed. These apps can also provide helpful tips and strategies for getting a better night’s rest. They are an effective and convenient way to improve your sleep quality and make sure you’re getting the restful sleep that you need. 

This is especially important for those who are having difficulty sleeping due to stress, anxiety, or other medical conditions. With their help, users can start taking control of their sleep again and enjoy greater peace of mind. 

By making small changes in their lifestyle and sleep habits, they can start to get a better night’s rest and improve their overall health and well-being. Sleep apps are definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for an easy way to get the quality sleep that your body needs every night. 

Will Fastiggi
Will Fastiggi

Originally from England, Will is an Upper Primary Coordinator now living in Brazil. He is passionate about making the most of technology to enrich the education of students.

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