3 Ways VR Can Transform Employee Onboarding

VR employee onboarding

Employee onboarding can make or break the experience of new hires within your company. As such, it makes the perfect chance to make a lasting impression on your employees. However, the onboarding process can be long and tedious, considering the many hours spent on monotonous orientation programs, paperwork, and reviewing your company’s policies.

A smooth onboarding process can impact your company profoundly, from increasing employee retention to boosting revenue. It’s crucial to ensure you get the most out of your onboarding process, from recruitment to orientation and training programs. Integrating cutting-edge tech like vr training into your onboarding process can help overcome common challenges with the current onboarding methods. This can enable you to train employees for the modern workspace, empowering your company. Here are three ways virtual reality can help transform your company’s onboarding process:

  1. Create Immersive Training Programs

While onboarding training may be incredibly crucial for your company, not all topics could be interesting to your newcomers. Some employees may become passive participants while you’re training them on these topics. Virtual reality technology can help you create a truly immersive onboarding experience that the new employees will be excited to interact with. For instance, you can use VR-enabled gamification to give your new employees a glimpse into the company. Virtual reality also allows you to create highly engaging training programs in which every newcomer will actively participate, ensuring your training requirements are met.

  1. Provide Fast and Functional Training

Employee training is usually problematic, especially if it involves dangerous work conditions or expensive machinery. You also need to hire or assign one of your employees to train your new hires, which can cost your company a lot. However, virtual reality training programs enable you to offer your new hires fast, on-the-job training to prepare them for high-risk work environments.

Virtual reality allows you to simulate all the potentially catastrophic situations they’re likely to encounter in a live setting while eliminating potential safety concerns. This way, you can train your employees to react quickly to emergencies and how to deal with contingencies and error handling before moving to a live setting. This also means that mistakes don’t lead to potential loss of life or costly damages as the new employees learn how to safely navigate emergency situations.

  1. Increase Team Assimilation

Recent studies show that new employees are more likely to quit if they don’t feel connected to their fellow employees. Another study reports about 43% of employees feel lonely due to a lack of meaningful, in-person interactions. Having a connected team is especially important as most employees nowadays work remotely from different parts of the world. However, bringing all your employees together for an in-person session can be costly and time-consuming.

Virtual reality employee onboarding enables you to bring together all your in-house employees and remote teams from different parts of the globe, creating valuable connections. Using VR tech, new hires can be welcomed into the company by the CEO as well as interact and build relationships with their colleagues, making them feel like they’re a part of the company.

Concluding thoughts…

Integrating virtual reality technology into your onboarding process can help tackle some of the most challenging aspects of onboarding new hires. Virtual reality tech can help your business significantly reduce the training time and costs required to prepare new hires for their roles.

Will Fastiggi
Will Fastiggi

Originally from England, Will is an Upper Primary Coordinator now living in Brazil. He is passionate about making the most of technology to enrich the education of students.

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