The development of the construction technology and the growing role of tech in construction


An industry that has always been an accurate representation of the times we live in, the construction industry is always evolving and embracing new technology. From mainly manual jobs to a office jobs made possible by modern technology, construction has done everything to keep up with ever-growing customer demand.

Today, technology is an integral part of the industry. Not only is it modernising construction, but it is also keeping the industry safe and regulated. Here is what we can expect in the next few years. 

Importance of tech in construction

Construction has had to continually adapt to new ways of working and has faced a plethora of challenges along the way. It was one of the hardest-hit industries during the COVID lockdowns due to its inability to fully adapt to home office requirements. And since the industry experienced a major setback, the progress since has been incredible

Since as early as the 80s and 90s. ERP systems were used for companies who wanted a ‘one-stop-shop’ business model that could combine their functions, operations and collect data. Some companies had to redesign their whole business processes to make room for new software that would make their operations easier and more efficient.

And of course, tech is also what designed the high-power tools that construction workers use today. From battery-powered drills to diggers and Milwaukee mitre saws used in the construction industry, these pieces of tech form the crux of the modern construction worker’s tool kit.

How technology is used in construction

When you think about how complex it is to design and build a building, it’s incredible that the industry ever managed without technology in the first place! First of all, technology makes collaborative work easier, particularly for those who work on the technical details in construction.

Secondly, communication technology means that drafts and blueprints can be created, shared and cleared by those involved with relative ease. It also makes it easier to connect with suppliers across all supply chains and allows stakeholders to track projects through a tablet. You can walk around a site without even having to leave the office!

Finally, digital monitoring can improve user experience tenfold. It’s important for occupants and residents to be able to connect immediately with construction workers should they need anything. It also improves the buildings themselves, with many modern buildings now coming with 5G as industry standard. 

The future of this technology 

With new technology come more opportunities. Having bounced back from COVID, new technologies have fast-forwarded the industry to where it is today. Together with new technology, the industry will move forward more efficient than ever before, making property one of the safest investments for potential buyers.

Will Fastiggi
Will Fastiggi

Originally from England, Will is an Upper Primary Coordinator now living in Brazil. He is passionate about making the most of technology to enrich the education of students.

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