Helping Kids Build Language Skills Through Games and Apps

Kid Programmer

Technology and learning; do they clash or is it kismet? Evidence would suggest that children gain a lot through educational apps and games, especially those tailored toward building language skills. These advantages shouldn’t be easily dismissed, because the facts don’t lie. Young learners have a lot to gain from insightful and engaging platforms that can build their skills in a supportive way while ensuring engagement. Arguably, this is a winning combination, and this topic is explored in more detail below. 

They Control the Pace

Every child learns at a different pace. Some acquire core skills faster than others, while certain learners have a unique approach that takes longer. The big benefit here of using games or apps to build language skills is that they are in control of the pace. Learning objectives can be met at their own speed, without feeling as though they are being compared to classmates or peers. This autonomy, in turn, is truly empowering, and a child who feels confident in their educational journey is one that succeeds. 

It Makes Learning Fun

Children of all ages learn better when they are engaged by fun content. For instance, a platform that lets children explore spelling words from two to 15 letters in a fun, lighthearted, pressure-free way is always going to be the preferred option to sitting down and doing writing drills. Having a good time creates a spark that can’t be put out, and it will create a ripple effect for young learners who want to come back and do more. 

Engagement is Half the Battle

How can a child who has no interest or concentration be supported in their learning outcome if these conditions never change? A learning environment has equitable relevance as the tools that are used within, and young people have a special relationship with technology that should absolutely be embraced for these purposes. Where there is an opportunity for easy, fairly instant, engagement, this is always the optimal path to take. If a learner is interested in the topic and the lesson being taught draws them in, they are far more likely to retain information and even come back to the subject with keen attentiveness. 

Progress Monitoring Perks

If these platforms are being utilized in a classroom setting, then there is a great opportunity here to create an effective progress monitoring system. A big part of enabling a child to progress in their skill formation is ensuring that they are on track and understanding their progress. A lack of productivity will be easy to spot, and therefore easy to act upon. 

Encouraging Home Learning

One thing that all kids despise? Yep, it’s homework. However, another major tick in the pro column for games or apps around language building is that they are actually quite fun. Therefore, if a teacher were to encourage a home learning task, there would be far less resistance and it may be the case that a child wants to continue the activity at home regardless of the expectation. 

Versatility Factor

Apps and games are also innovatively versatile in terms of what they can deliver for young learners figuring out language skills. There is a whole range of options from verbal interactions to memory games and everything in between. With so much to explore, kids have a whole new world on their doorstep that will ultimately encourage them to acquire more positive learning habits that enhance their skills and abilities above all else. 

Language skills are something you either love or feel indifferent to. A kid who has no interest in building core skills in this area will be difficult to engage. That is where games and apps come in handy. In the fast-paced tech-focused environment that all children are growing up in, it makes sense to embrace and use what works for them. 

Will Fastiggi
Will Fastiggi
Articles: 883
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