A Guide on 5P’s of Branding for Startups 

When I say the happiest place on Earth, Disneyland comes to your mind. What do you think made this catchphrase possible? Disneyland could understand its 5Ps, which is why it can develop this branding. 

Branding is essential for any business or organization as this creates the identity you want for your customers. This is what the customers will remember whenever your brand is mentioned. 

Let me tell you a little history lesson to guide you better on the 5Ps for branding. In the beginning, there were only 4ps which stood for Price, Promotion, and Place. 

The fifth P, which stood for people, was later added due to technological advancements and rising customer demands. 

Do you want to know what the 5Ps of branding are that can help you? Let me tell you how they can help your business.


The first P that we’ll be talking about is the product.  Your product is what you want to offer to your customer. It can be a physical product or service; anything you can offer to the market is considered your product. 

Certain factors could go into your product that help make a demand: the function, quality, appearance, warranty, and packaging. 

Consider the needs and wants of your customers in deciding on a product. For example, you want to sell coffee. There should be a variety of coffee and pastries to go with the coffee. 


After deciding on your product, you need to decide on your prices next. Pricing your products can be tricky when branding for start-ups. 

The things that you need to consider in pricing your product may include the following:

  • The manufacturing costs
  • Target market average
  • Advertising costs
  • Seasonal discounts 
  • Credit terms 

Organizations start with low prices to create a demand for their product. In doing this, you should consider the unreceived profit and how to compensate for it. This is good practice when you want to let your customers try your product but then again, always remember the precaution. 


The third P focuses on how you will be promoting your product. A product can be promoted through campaigns, ads, and other promotional strategies. 

Promotion can be hard when branding for start-ups. This promotion can help your business be known and gain prospects. 

There are some practical ways how you can effectively promote your product. 

You can promote your product through. 

  1. Offering Introductory Prices – you can use deals to promote your product further. Some deals you can use are:
  • Voucher or coupon with purchase 
  • Buy one, Get one 
  • Gift for referrals 
  1. Sharing Customer Reviews – With this kind of promotion, you let the customers speak for themselves. Sharing customer reviews can help with the establishment of your image. Customers can encourage other people to try your product or services if they share their thoughts. 
  2. Posting on Social Media – We are in an age wherein everybody is on social media. Using social media could help you reach audiences you cannot reach personally. Another advantage is that potential customers get to know your product through your social media presence. 
  3. Hosting an event – Events can not only help you gain attention and customers, but they can also get you prospects for your businesses. If you think you cannot do it alone and cannot afford it, you can consult with marketing services for startups, and they can guide you on how to host an event with the budget you have in mind. 

Aside from being the own promotional team for your business, there are also branding services for start-ups that can help and guide you in promoting your product. These branding services can help you establish your business by building customer recognition, loyalty, and credibility. 

Recognition, Loyalty, and Credibility are one of the few things that you want you to build in starting your business. This foundation can help you expand your business and reach its maximum potential. 


After asking what your product will be and how you will price and promote it, let us now get to the where. Where would be the best place for your product? 

Take everything you have learned so far, and it will be applied to the place of your business. This is because the place you’ve chosen is where you will be selling and promoting your product. 

You should consider six factors before picking a place to conduct your business.

  • Accessibility – Make sure your customers can access your location. It should be accessible to customers by car or transport. 
  • Security – Know the potential of criminal activity in your place of business for you to take necessary precautions.
  • Competition – Know where your competitors are. If the competitors are too crowded in your location of choice, then have second thoughts about building your business there. 
  • Business Rates – Research the different bills in the area, such as utility bills, taxes, and rent. Estimation of such costs can help your business. 
  • Skill base in the area – Employees can be an asset to your business. Ask yourself if the skill base in the area can fulfill the needs of your business. Take into account the employment rate as well. 
  • Potential for Growth – Will the location be flexible enough for the growth of your business? Your business could grow, so the location should be able to keep up with the changes brought about by this. 


This is the newest addition to the mix. The last P that we’ll be talking about is the people. People are an essential factor in your business. 

You might think that customers are the only “people” in your business, but these people are composed of the team you work with every day. 

Remember that your employees are your assets too. Customers expect not only the features of your product but also good service from your employees. 

When starting your business, it is essential to consider the people responsible for how your business will function on a day-to-day basis. Your business must be composed of people you can trust. 

Concluding thoughts… 

Branding establishes your identity. As a starting business, it is best to have your own identity to stand out in the market. 

The 5Ps of branding can help you establish your own brand identity. These 5Ps stand for Product, Price, Promotion, and Place. The Last P, which stands for People, has been added due to increasing customer demands. 

Using the 5Ps to start your business can help you better strategize how to promote and find a place. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are the 5Ps for Branding?

The 5Ps for branding are Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People. In the beginning, it used to be 4PS, but the new addition, People, has been added due to increasing customer demands that play a role in marketing. 

Why are the 5Ps of Branding Important?

The Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People can help create your marketing strategy. These 5Ps can help turn your potential customers into loyal customers. 

How can I Better Promote my Product?

You can promote your product by utilizing your social media platforms, hosting events, and offering customer deals. You can also help seek help from marketing services for start-ups to guide you in promoting your products.

Will Fastiggi
Will Fastiggi
Articles: 885
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