Education Goes Tech: Effective Use of Online Classrooms for Teachers

Online Classrooms

Technology is reshaping the world, and the youngest generation is witnessing the world through the digital screen. Education is one of the most affected public sectors as it must adapt to the needs of children, including technological aptness. It can also benefit the most by opening schools to more students regardless of geographical location or physical challenges.

Online classrooms are accompanying and sometimes replacing the traditional school space. Emerging before the recent pandemic, they are becoming more popular with unique advantages. Here’s how teachers and pupils benefit from virtual classrooms simultaneously.

  1. Improved Student Engagement

Information is best absorbed through practice and engagement. Although the virtual space lacks physical awareness, some students find it unburdened from shyness or fear of public attention. Such students engage easier in a safe home environment.

Technological online classroom solutions offer unique engagement opportunities. For example, all participants can take a quiz and get the results for immediate analysis and feedback instead of waiting a few days until it is checked for errors. Virtual classroom software allows more dynamic information presentation in various formats, including audio and video features. The ability for students to reexamine the lecture record anytime they want is significantly valuable.

Lastly, the software allows lecture gamification. Young pupils show especially good reactions to absorbing information in a gamelike format. Although you can organize numerous fun activities physically, the virtual opens many more opportunities in a way that is likely more acceptable to the current generation.

  1. Data Management

If there’s a way to avoid using as much paper as schools do, we should consider it. There isn’t a single teacher that is happy to carry bags of student exams home. Sheets of paper are easily misplaced, and organizing them is futile with each new class.

Digital technologies excel at storing and sharing data. Teachers can sort it in organized folders within secure document storage. Exam reviews are automated, opening more time for personal lectures. It also eliminates human error.

Students also benefit from easier data sharing. Before personal computers, teams wrote notes on sheets of paper that usually stayed with one person. Every member must get together to continue working, often reducing the quality. In online classrooms, teams can share whatever notes they have and save them on their devices for later. The online solution outperforms the traditional model at every step regarding data management.

  1. Information Security

It’s a double-edged sword regarding digital information safety. On the one hand, digital files can be copied endlessly, secured by multiple backups, protected from physical theft or natural disasters, and immune to tampering (with the help of additional cybersecurity software.)

On the other hand, cybercriminals can and do target educational institutions with ransomware rendering data unusable. Although the virtual solution has more benefits, the risks outweigh the benefits until schools develop robust cybersecurity systems.

We recommend taking early precautions for teachers dealing with virtual student data. To avoid unauthorized access, they must secure personally identifiable information using strong, complex, and unique passwords for each online educational account. The discussed document storage should be used to exchange data between teachers in an encrypted format to avoid tampering. 

  1. Empowers Creativity

Virtual classroom software incentivizes creativity by providing numerous tools for painting, picture editing, music creation, quiz creation, and many other creative features. Digital technologies are widely used in arts, and while live music and canvas paintings aren’t going anywhere, students must also be introduced to contemporary novelties.

  1. Future Prospects

Whether for good or bad, digital technology is here to stay. Most future employment opportunities are predicted to require at least some computer know-how. Although kids get online early these days, browsing TikTok is different than utilizing software for learning purposes. Future Steve Jobs may likely be sitting in a virtual classroom as technological advancement transforms employment opportunities.


The benefits of online classrooms are apparent. That does not mean that physical spaces must retract. Instead, it’s best to see how we can combine the two to improve the educational system and make it accessible to as many students as possible. Online classrooms demonstrate an outstanding capacity to provide students with valuable knowledge engagingly.

Will Fastiggi
Will Fastiggi

Originally from England, Will is an Upper Primary Coordinator now living in Brazil. He is passionate about making the most of technology to enrich the education of students.

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